Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello, This is Charlemagne of the Ash Nazg Union on Empire Craft world 9 welcoming you to our forum for the 9th Republic ( the Republic on world 9). Hopefully we can coordinate here and all prosper fairly, equally and with overwhelming power.
We want a system for fair dispersment of the conquered unions and cities. An equal share by rotation of the new subjects and of the crystal mines. Nobody else but the 6 of us will have any crystal mines when we are done. I envision active coordination and participation by all 6 unions to produce an army of 12 to 20,000 troops doing our work at a time. Nothing anywhere else on planet 9 can resist that. We will share domination and respect. Not individual unions, but a nation. We might possibly even construct a union led jointly by our strongest officers to enlist the strongest of the conquered cities. After a while there will not even be resistance. We will just dictate and gobble. We will give the conquered the choice between joining our unions by rotation among the six of us or be destroyed.
Welcome to our Republic.


  1. We should choose unions successively to approach to surrender to our union and join one of our farm unions. We should make up farm unions with some of our own members to lead. We need to make up an Ash Nazg2, a Templars2, Art of War2...etc.The leader and officers of Templars2 should be a few loyal Templars members, and so on. We will make up a randomly generated rotation and assign (not allow) the unions who are interested in joining us (rather than be destroyed) to join the union2 whose turn it is for recruitment as they are conquered or as they ask to join us. They must follow our rotation schedule, not just pick themselves. We will catalog all the crystal mines on the planet and do the same, giving them out on by one to only our six ruling unions. We will leave none for any other union. What do you think of this for a start? Please comment. Thanks, Charlemagne

  2. http://www.9threpublic.blogspot.com/
    I am Charlemagne, a senior officer of Ash Nagz, and I welcome the entrance of 2 of the masters of our 9th Republic and pledge my support to you all and hope for your joint direction in our nation of overwhelming force on World 9.
    Our master from the great union, Art of War, has graced us with this message:

    Great thing, the thought comes to reality.

    I will register quickly on the forum.

    Laesira, emperor of Art of War.
    Our master from the great union, Templars, has graced us with this message:

    Yes we will join with you and the others in making the republic and unstoppable force to be feared by those who stand against us. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future as things progress. Take care for now.

    Annabella, master of the Templars

  3. Another thought, we should rotate individual conquered cities who are willing to join us into our secondary unions (Orion2, Templars2) and not entire conquered unions or they may so dominate the union2's they join as to really just be the original conquered union with a new name. We want them to be loyal to the parent unions and to the Republic.

  4. And of course, those who do not join...are farms.

  5. The entrance of any one of the unions and their master into the 9th Republic is done at the grace and suffrance of their respected master. None enter under threat or duress from the Republic, but with the welcome and gratitude of the Republic. As such, all will enter under a divorce clause by which they may leave the Republic by leave of the power and discretion and due respect that they as equal ruling masters weild. It is for the 6 masters to decide upon whether they agree with these terms, suggested by me, your loyal servant, as the foundation of this means of respectful departure. (1) A Union leaving is immune to attack by the Republic for one week unless it attacks the Republic. That union must kick out any member who does attack the Republic during that week or it will then be open to attack. That member will then be destroyed by the Republic. (2) A Union leaving takes its 2ary unions with it (3) A union leaving will take a number of crystal mines equal to or one less than the number held by the remaining Republican member with the least. (4) No member of the union leaving may abancdon that union to rejoin the Republic until at least one week after the union leaves.

  6. We have now concluded acceptance by 5 of the 6 unions. Even the last had already expressed interest without definite commitment

    and has a formal inviation in his mail which he hopefully will accept. We can soon field massive armies coordinated with the

    other unions.

    It is only a matter of organizing geographical districts and having officers from each union in any district begin to choose and

    gang up on targets of choice from the target union of the day. The 6 Masters do the choosing directly or by a mechanism of

    concensus of their choosing through a website forum or by in-game mail. All officers must upgrade their posthouses to be ready

    and able to accept and field large forces from their own unions at the agreed time of arrival at the targets. No barbarian union

    is going to know what to do once each of its members are getting ripped up by six or nine or twelve forays from six different

    unions in unison. We can start off by conquering the smaller or the moderately larger unions, one each day or every few hours.

    We then give them demands to disband and join our 2ary unions (led by our primary unions' officers) or be destroyed. These new

    volunteers should be spread out among the six 2aries so that no one conquered union dominates the secondary with its resigned

    members. Soon our twelve unions will send armies daily against the chosen union of the day. With this now accomplished Republic,

    the planet is ours. Perhaps we can simply start of by taking all of the crystal mines in the next 4 days and focus on the unions

    that resist our takeovers first. All crystal mines on this planet belong to the 9th Republic. So do all wild mines. One

    Republican city takes out the mine while six others hamstring the owner's main city. We need rotating assignment mechanisms to

    share these Crystal mines and wild mines equally among our Republic members. Let's just send out our notices in the form of huge


  7. Uhm...

    if it is so that you want?...

    I will see to hold to my stormbringer from the heads of ours new allies...

